Tuesday, September 2, 2014


The song Patience by Guns N' Roses has aleays been one of my favorites.  It's ironic that this song has been played more times this week than I can count. This week my patience is being tested in many ways. Waiting has never been my strongest trait-maybe it's an only child thing?  Lol

This week I'm excited for so many good things in my life, but the days are just dragging!  The wait is killing me! The patience I once learned at prison (without committing a crime - another blog post for later) has definately all disappeared this week!

I wait for the Seahawks official season to start. GO HAWKS!
I wait for the Graham Eagles official season to start. GO EAGLES!
I wait for the final season of Sons of Anarchy to start. RIDE ON BOYS!

And I wait for something I didn't think was ever going to happen....

The last thing on the list is the most private but means the most. For a long time I didn't get my hopes up in case it didn't happen.  I kept waiting for next week or next month and the longer it was prolonged,  the faster my hope faded that it would ever happen. But it's real,  and it's happening!!! And OMG now that it is really happening I just can't believe it! I'm waiting for someone to pinch me!

I've always said good things come to those who wait...just never to me.

It's finally my turn!  And as excited I am,  I'm also nervous.  Will it really be everything I've dreamed of? Will it really be everything I've always imagined? Will I be able to deliver on my promises?  Will I be able to receive all the new things with an open mind and an open heart?

I think I'm ready. I think can....says the old Jenn.

The new Jenn says...BRING IT!!! It's gonna be amazing!!!!


  1. I love this!! Frikkin awesome!!!! I can't wait for the chapter up here!!! I'm sooo proud of you!!

  2. I could do this without people like you cheering me on :) I love you!
