Sunday, October 12, 2014

Humpty Dumpty

The nursery rhyme of  Humpty Dumpty is well known to most people. Today, for the first time in many years I went to church. One of the worship songs was about being broken. No, the sermon was not about Humpty Dumpty lol.  But for whatever reason, I started singing the song in my head.

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again"

I relate to the wall as " life". We just go about our day working, parenting, paying bills, driving, shopping, chores, etc. All of the stagnant parts of life that just stay in one place and don't move-like a wall.

We all experience hardships that may interrupt our life and we fall off the wall.  It may be something as simple as a change in our work schedule, or as major as loss of a loved one. We are jolted, we are shaken, we are disoriented. Life is not as simple as "sitting on the wall" once seemed.

All the "king's horses" and "king's men" are the people and things that try to help us when we are down. They try to help put us back together again when we are cracked and broken. They offer help, support, and love to make life easier and a little more comfortable in our time of need.

I believe the real reason Humpty Dumpty couldn't be put back together is because God is the only one who can truly repair the broken. I believe He is the King that is not mentioned, but implied in the story.

Today, I am Humpty Dumpty. I have fallen off the wall and I'm surrounded by the broken pieces of my spiritual, emotional, financial, and physical life. My prayer to God today is to not only be put back together again, but to sit on the wall that only He can lead me to...that we have built together.

Using all my recycled bricks of course.....

1 comment:

  1. I love you and all of your broken pieces!! I am so very proud of you!!
