Eight years ago when I was contemplating leaving my marriage, I read what the Bible has to say about divorce. I can't quote the exact scripture now, but my take on it was that if you divorce your spouse, you should eventually reunite with your spouse or remain unmarried until you die. At the time I prayed to God that if he kept me and my children safe, I would remain unmarried and faithful to His word. Eight years later....I joke that God took me up on my offer because I'm still single! LOL
Everyone tells me when I stop looking, the right person will come along. Eight years later, I'm tired of looking. Eight years later, I'm tired of the games. Eight years later, I'm tired of the tears. Eight years later, I'm finally ready to let go of the ideas that "Someday" I will find someone, "Someday" the right person will come along. I think today's brick said "Someday" may become "Never". My broken heart needs to move on to the last stage of mourning....acceptance.
Not everyone has to have a "right person" or "the love of their life". Not everyone is "completed" by another person. Maybe my "right person" is just me. Maybe God is trying to tell me to believe that I am enough. Maybe His plans for my life don't include another partner. Maybe being the "old dog lady" is what God has planned for me LMAO!
Maybe my awesomeness is too much for another person to handle.... :)